Doctors often need to diagnose psoriasis in children. This disease occupies one of the leading positions among childhood dermatitis, which has a chronic form. Signs of psoriasis can appear in a child of any age. This pathology is often observed even in newborns.
appearance reasons
Modern medicine is still unable to name the exact causes that affect the onset and development of the disease. In the course of several studies, experts were able to find that heredity plays an important role in this process. The following statistics were revealed:
- If one of the baby's parents has psoriasis, there is a 50% chance that the baby will show signs of a painful condition;
- If both parents have psoriasis, the probability increases to 70%.
The development of clinical symptoms of psoriasis in a child is usually observed as a result of exposure to the child's body of such factors:
- Psycho-emotional experiences;
- Physical overload;
- infectious diseases;
- Allergic reactions.
Any adverse effect on the baby's fragile body leads to such unpleasant consequences.
In a healthy person, there is a natural exfoliation of dead cells that have passed their life cycle. If there is a failure in this process, the skin particles will simply start to accumulate on its surface. As a result of this, peculiar plaques are formed, which are able to increase in size and grow.
Psoriasis in children is recognized by the characteristic symptoms of this disease. First, the redness appears on the skin. It is located in the fold area. After that, the swelling of the layers of the epidermis and their exfoliation is observed. As a rule, in children over 2 years old, they begin to peel heavily.
If psoriasis appeared on the nails, then the child will have small depressions in the plastic of the nails. Similar bodily injuries occur in a third of babies who are sick with this pathology.

A psoriatic skin lesion, seen on the head, causes severe redness. The plates cover the forehead, cheeks, ears and eyelids. Peeling of the skin at the hairline is not excluded. If the disease continues to progress, gray scales will appear under the hair. However, its loss is not observed. This painful symptom is absent even in severe psoriasis.
In some children, psoriasis is detected on the mucous membrane of the mouth and tongue. This area is covered with unsightly stains, which change color and shape from time to time.
Plaques on the skin always cause severe itching and pain. The rashes can peel and crack, causing sores and bleeding. This is a very dangerous condition as the infection easily penetrates the cracks. After about 10 years, psoriasis in a child, in its symptoms, begins to look like signs of the disease in adults.
stages of development
With a standard course, a skin disease always goes through several stages of its development:
It is characterized by the appearance of primary rashes on the skin. Adults often mistake this for a common allergy or diathesis. In children under two years of age, the initial stage is accompanied by redness. The rash is easily recognized due to the fact that it looks like limited pimples of a reddish hue. Within a few days, the rashes are mild. Then they are gradually covered with gray scales;
At this stage, there is a rapid growth of a rash on the child's head and other parts of the body. They start to merge into one. Peeling is observed only on the central elements of the rash. The lateral zones, however, only grow. The skin gradually becomes inflamed and starts to itch. At this stage, the illness usually lasts from 2 weeks to several months;
Psoriasis in children continues to progress. Your symptoms become more pronounced. Old boards stop growing. They are replaced by new rashes. The peeling intensifies. The duration of this stage is not indicated by deadlines;
Peeling signs partially disappear in the child. The plates become much smaller. They leave visible scars behind. With a successful result, zones with pigmentation different from the natural color of the skin begin to form. Over time, they disappear completely.
The duration of a separate stage of psoriasis development in young children depends on how the disease progresses and whether steps are taken to eliminate it.
Psoriasis in children can be of different types. In the thematic photos you can see the characteristics of the manifestation in the skin of each of them. The disease is classified according to the symptoms and the location of the scales.
psoriasis film
It is diagnosed in children who are not yet 1 year old. The rash usually affects the gluteal region. They arise due to constant skin contact with the baby's natural secretions and due to friction with a diaper. The skin in this area is highly irritated, so doctors can hardly recognize psoriasis. Some parents do not even pay attention to this problem as they consider the rash to be common dermatitis.
Plaque psoriasis
This is a common form of skin pathology. Its features are red spots that cover different parts of the child's body. At first they are small in size. These spots grow very fast. After they start to peel.
From above, the rashes are covered with a layer of scales, which are easily separated from the skin. Most often they appear on the head, knees and in the crook of the elbows.

guttate psoriasis
With this form of the disease, the child's body is covered with numerous rashes, which in their form resemble droplets. They are small and have a rounded shape. Formed papules are above the surface of the skin. They are characterized by severe peeling. A rash can occur on absolutely any part of the body. In the absence of a factor favorable to its development, psoriasis ceases to progress and disappears. In other circumstances, it develops into a different form of the disease.
Generalized pustular psoriasis
Psoriasis in children of this form occurs suddenly. In a short period of time, it affects large areas of the skin. They become very inflamed and covered in painful ulcers. The child is constantly tormented by pain in the area of accumulation of rashes.
This form of the disease is considered one of the most dangerous, as it can cause serious complications. This type of psoriasis can even lead to internal organ damage. The kidneys and heart are most affected by its negative influence.
pustular psoriasis
It is diagnosed in children who are already 7 years old. In young children, this form of psoriasis is seen only in rare cases.
There are quite pronounced signs of psoriasis in children. The pustular form of the disease is accompanied by swelling of the skin and its covering with small blisters that are filled with non-infectious fluid. Another symptom of this type of psoriasis is inflammation of the lymph nodes.
erythrodermic psoriasis
A rather dangerous and unpredictable form of psoriasis. This leads to a violation of the body's thermoregulation. The disease is recognized by severe peeling and inflammation of the skin. The child is constantly tormented by itching and pain in the affected area. Large areas of the epidermis begin to flake off over time. If the child is very young, he may not survive this condition.
Psoriasis of the flexing surfaces
From the name of the variety of the disease, it can be understood that it affects the areas of the curves of the body. Usually skin rashes occur on the groin, genitals and inner thighs. The skin is covered with red patches. They are smooth and do not peel.

arthropathic psoriasis
This form of the disease affects the joints. Psoriatic pathology is recognized by symptoms such as muscle stiffness, swelling and swelling of the fingers. The joints start to hurt a lot. In some cases, the child develops conjunctivitis.
Most types of psoriasis are very similar to each other in their clinical picture. Therefore, without consulting a doctor, it is very difficult to determine which form of the disease a child suffers from.
If a child has painful rashes on the head or other parts of the body, it should be immediately shown to a specialist. With these symptoms, a consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. He will be able to make a diagnosis after a thorough examination of the patient and listening to his complaints. The doctor will prescribe a histological examination for the baby. To do this, a small sample of the affected tissue will be taken from it. The result of the laboratory analysis will help the dermatologist to make the correct diagnosis for the child. After that, he will be prescribed treatment, which should alleviate the painful condition.

Therapeutic therapy, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the signs of psoriasis in a young child, can be carried out at home or in a hospital. The last option is the most ideal if the patient has a progressive stage of the disease.
It is necessary to learn how to treat psoriasis with a dermatologist who monitors the child's condition. He may offer a course of therapy based on the following medications:
- Sedative and desensitizing. You will need to take either a calcium gluconate solution (5%) or a calcium chloride solution (10%). This must be done 3 times a day. The medicine is taken in a teaspoon or a tablespoon, depending on the doctor's recommendation. Intramuscular injections based on a calcium gluconate solution (10%) are also prescribed. It is necessary to go through at least 10 procedures;
- Antihistamines. They help to get rid of intense itching. These drugs are taken in courses, each lasting up to 10 days;
- Vitamins. Typically, children are given ascorbic acid, which should be taken 3 times a day up to 0. 1 g. A pyridoxine solution (up to 5%) is also used. They give you injections. The introduction of vitamin B12 intramuscularly is shown. Inside take vitamin B15 and potassium orotate;
- Pyrogenic. They are needed to stimulate the body's defense mechanisms. With their help, it is possible to normalize vascular permeability and eliminate mitotic activity from the layers of the skin. For best results, about 8 injection courses are needed.
Traditional medicine offers children diagnosed with psoriasis courses in active therapy. With this diagnosis, ultraviolet radiation and hot baths help. Also, do not neglect topical preparations. Healing ointments and creams help to smooth the skin and reduce itching.
Folk remedies
Individual medications that help cure psoriatic disease may be contraindicated in children. Then their parents and doctors must select a safer therapy for young patients, which will achieve a positive result. In such situations, traditional methods of treatment help well. You can alleviate your baby's condition in the following ways:
- German chamomile lotions. They should be applied to places where a large number of painful rashes accumulate;
- Salt baths. They have a healing effect and disinfect the wounds formed on the skin;
- Hot tea with the addition of medicinal herbs. This drink is best made with dandelion root, burdock, grapes, sarsaparilla and pear balm;
- Activated charcoal. It removes harmful substances from the body and thus prevents the formation of new plaques on the head, legs, arms and other parts of the body. The drug-based solution should be taken 2 hours before meals. The course of such treatment should last at least 40 days;
- Celandine tincture. It is taken orally. The tool is made from 1 glass of water and 1 tbsp. I. crushed plant. Before drinking, the drink should be infused for about 40 minutes. Take folk remedies 2 times a day.

A child with psoriasis must follow a special diet. Your diet should include fruit and vegetable juices, fresh herbs, fish and turkey meat.
It is highly recommended to abandon animal products that are enriched with a large amount of fat. The patient must adhere to the optimal intake regimen. He should drink about 8 glasses a day.
A large number of people infected with psoriasis lead completely normal lives. But many are still worried about their appearance. This problem is of particular concern to children. Because of the illness, the child may become depressed and close in on himself. Therefore, parents should take all measures to protect their beloved child from such an unpleasant disease.
Preventing psoriatic rashes from forming on the skin helps maintain a proper lifestyle. It is necessary to provide the child with adequate rest, sleep and a balanced diet. He should avoid hypothermia and prolonged exposure to the sun. The use of quick-drying soaps and lotions is also contraindicated.
As a rule, psoriasis that appears in a young child is rarely serious. Therefore, subject to the provision of timely medical care to the patient, he is able to quickly and permanently get rid of the signs of the pathological process. In order for the baby to recover, he must be completely protected from the factors that cause the progression of psoriatic disease.