One form of chronic non-infectious disease can be hand psoriasis. This causes a lot of inconvenience for the person. Due to the numerous boards, it becomes more difficult for him to do household chores. The patient develops self-doubt, against the background of which isolation and social renunciation develop. With this diagnosis, psoriatic rashes affect the fingers, palms, nails, and other areas of the hands. It is very difficult to deal with the disease alone. If a person intends to recover, he must seek help from a qualified specialist.
Occurrence causes
Doctors identify several reasons for the formation of psoriatic rashes on the hands. In each case, individual treatment is required. To correctly determine therapy, the physician must discover the factor that led to the activation of the autoimmune disease. The reason for the development of psoriasis in the hands may be in the following conditions:
- Impaired immune system;
- Psycho-emotional excess;
- Hereditary predisposition;
- Metabolic disorders;
- poor nutrition
- Bad habits;
- Chronic skin diseases;
- Climate Change;
- Intoxication of the body.
Psoriatic rashes on the hands are usually caused by long-term use of medications. If left untreated, plaque can spread to joints, shoulders and other parts of the body.

To see how psoriasis manifests on the hands, you should look at pictures that show patients with this condition. Images in medical reference books and themed websites can be used to compare with unnatural rashes on the body. Furthermore, the disease can be recognized by its characteristic signs.
The symptoms of psoriasis on the hands are as follows:
- Redness of the skin of the upper extremities;
- Severe dryness;
- Swelling and thickening of the skin layers;
- Crack of the pustules formed;
- Pain in the affected area;
- Fusion of single rashes.
People with a predisposition to the disease must know with certainty what psoriasis looks like. Thus, they will be able to identify it in a timely manner and start treatment, without waiting for a pathological rash to grow.

Stages of the disease
It is much easier to cure psoriasis in the first stage of spread. To understand how to overcome hand psoriasis, you first need to find out what stage of development it is at.
In total, there are 3 main stages in the development of psoriasis, which is located in the area of the hands:
- Progressive. Small rashes begin to appear on healthy skin. They have light scales in the center. Gradually, the eruption grows, resulting in the formation of plaques;
- Stationary. The eruption stops appearing. Your growth also stops. The surface affected by psoriasis begins to peel;
- Regressive. The plaques flatten out, stop peeling heavily and gradually dissolve. No traces will remain on the skin where they were.
The condition of the skin and the presence of certain symptoms in the patient help to calculate whether the psoriasis belongs to one of the phases.

How to treat psoriasis in the hands
Hand psoriasis requires complex therapy. The most important is medication and topical treatment of plaque. Additionally, doctors recommend a course of physical therapy procedures that have a positive effect on the skin's condition.
In the early stage of psoriatic disease, which leads to plaque formation on the hands, the use of these resources is mandatory:
- salicylic ointment;
- Locally acting glucocorticosteroids;
- Fluorinated glucocorticosteroids;
With medicines that belong to this group, it is necessary to handle them very carefully. They are very dangerous to your health as they can cause serious complications and side effects. Sometimes, after the drug is discontinued, the illness gets even worse.
As a result of prolonged treatment with these agents, signs of malaise may occur, which are expressed in the form of excessive hair growth and atrophy. Therefore, its use is only allowed after a prescription.
Hand psoriasis can be treated with medications that contain calcipotriol. The early stage of the disease lends itself much better to this therapy. Though it's best to apply it in the later stages of development. Unlike previous medications, calcipotriol products do not cause skin atrophy. They also have no cancellation effect.
Calcipotriol preparations should be used once a day. The daily norm for the substance should not exceed 15 g. The first results of treatment according to this scheme become noticeable for about 2 weeks. A course of medication using these funds should last no longer than 2 months.
Tar and naphthalan based preparations
Psoriasis, which has affected the area of the hands, fingers and palms, responds well to treatment with preparations containing tar and mothballs. They are relatively safe for health and are relatively inexpensive. Therefore, this treatment will be affordable for many patients.
During treatment with tar and mothballs, it is necessary to comply with a series of rules. Doctors do not recommend using them to fight a disease that has spread to large areas of the skin. If you neglect this advice, you can improve the development of the pathological process. Furthermore, tar-filled drugs can cause complications of chronic illnesses.
Hand psoriasis can be treated with injections of antihistamines. Furthermore, the introduction of sodium thiosulfate in an amount of up to 10 ml per day will not hurt. In this volume, a 10% calcium chloride solution is usually prescribed. Also, your doctor may prescribe sedative medications.
In the treatment of psoriatic rashes on the hands, it is customary to use gels. A positive result is obtained after applying the creams. Ointment therapy is no less effective. All of these medications can contain hormones or consist of natural ingredients. Hormonal ointment for psoriasis on the hands is most often used for advanced disease. In the early stages, you can survive on safer topical medications.
If necessary, doctors recommend that patients resort to more aggressive means, which do not give the disease a single chance. These are aromatic retinoids. One of the best among them is an aqueous gel in a concentration of 0. 05% or 0. 1%.
As auxiliary drugs, the following are prescribed:
- TNF inhibitors;
- Keratolytic agents;
- Immunomodulators.
If the treatment works, the disease goes into remission. The patient is no longer bothered by her symptoms until the next exacerbation. Preventive agents that maintain normal health help prevent further outbreaks of the pathological process.
traditional treatment
To treat or prevent psoriasis on the hands, you can use products prepared according to traditional medicine recipes. With their help, it is impossible to face the disease. But they significantly increase the effect of medications and physical therapy procedures, which is also an important advantage.
It is worth trying to overcome psoriatic disease with the help of the following folk remedies:
- Homemade ointment. It is prepared with celandine powder (1/2 tsp), baby cream (5 g) and chicken egg white. The resulting mixture should be applied to the skin of your hands about 3 times a day until the painful rash disappears;
- Baths with sea salt. This remedy is recommended for patients who develop late-stage psoriasis;
- Natural oils. To moisturize dry skin, you must use this specific product. Flaxseed, apricot, olive and sea buckthorn oils are perfect;
- Solid oil. This substance in its pure form should be applied to the affected areas of the hands every night before going to bed.
It's best to combine several home remedies to speed your recovery.
Herbal Treatment
On the positive side, herbal medicine manifests itself. In psoriasis, it is irreplaceable. For herbs to help get rid of psoriatic plaques on your hands, you need to know exactly how and how much to apply them.
To eliminate the signs of psoriasis on your hands, you can use the following medicinal plants:
- Celandine. To treat painful rashes, you will need your juice. They should rub the plates generously, taking care not to come into contact with healthy skin so as not to cause burns. The duration of this treatment should not exceed 3 months;
- Sunflower. With their help, medical compresses are made. You will need young plant baskets, which must be crushed. After that, water is added to the resulting mass. The finished compress is applied to the entire affected area. Sunflower prevents the spread of disease and relieves inflammation;
- A blend of chamomile, celandine, mint, lavender and lime. From them, a medicinal broth is prepared and added to the hand bath.
It is worth trying to prepare various decoctions and infusions of these plants that can help to eliminate the painful symptoms. The most important thing is that the person is not allergic to the herbs they use.

Homeopathy and Psoriasis
Many patients practice treating psoriasis that has spread to the hands with homeopathic remedies. They are selected according to a person's constitutional structure. This therapy helps to reconfigure the body and restore the disturbed balance in it.
It is common to combine homeopathic medicines with organotropic medicines. They are particularly reflected in the activity of internal organs and systems.
If in doubt about choosing the right remedy, you should contact an experienced homeopath.
Hand psoriasis may subside and get worse periodically. It is in the patient's interest to keep the disease in remission for a longer period of time to avoid the next appearance of plaques in different parts of the body. Preventive measures help to handle this task:
- It is necessary to take care of cleaning the skin of the hands;
- You must follow proper nutrition and break bad habits;
- It is necessary to take vitamin complexes periodically to strengthen the immune system;
- Do not expose your hands to chemicals.
If a person doesn't break these rules, psoriasis won't bother him for long.